The term “Virtual Tour” (VT) refers to a set of one or more photos (flat or 360° panoramic), linked to each other and navigable. Each photo can be associated with one or more control points called “hotspot”, clickable icons positioned inside the photo that allow browsing, uploading multimedia contents, linking to external sites or viewing pdf files.

VTclick® has created the “interaction hotspot” which allows the user to reply to pre-defined questionnaires or to upload multimedia contents generated in real time (texts, photos, vocal messages, videos). At the end of the VT the system generates a report immediately available for all the “super-user” associated to the VT.

To create, manage and publish VTs you must be an EDITOR. Sign in here.
Editor can:
- create personal VTs or for their customers
- create public or private VTs (with login credentials)

The REPORT system

VTclick® allows you to use Virtual Tours not only to provide content to users, but also to receive information from them while browsing.

For each Virtual Tour, VTclick® allows you to know who generated the report and to filter the views based on the report generation date or the answers or the contents uploaded, with the possibility of exporting in pdf format.

VTclick® allows you to create “super-user” and only them are enabled to access all the report’s contents and to receive notifications via e-mail to each new report generated.

EDITOR online

VTclick® offers you an intuitive and complete online editor for creating VTs, you can also:

  • define whether a VT is public or private
  • indicate whether a VT is repeatable or navigable only once
  • insert a logo into the VT
  • insert a radar photo of the VT
  • decide the initial view of a 360° photo
  • customize the hotspot icons
  • customize interactions with text, photos, audio and video files
  • insert in the VT links to websites, pdf documents, audio or video files
  • check links between the photos using the navigation grid


VTclick® allows many other interesting operations, including:

  • frame a QR Code to browse the VT or the corresponding photo
  • to respond to polls, votes, referendums, or other forms of questions
  • to suspend and to resume the VT at a defined point
  • to download the VT and to browse it offline, sending reports when you return online
  • ensure the full view of the VT and the interaction with ALL the hotspots it contains, including mandatory video
  • to georeference the VTs, to facilitate the search based on the user's location
  • to integrate the VTs into external sites using embedded links

How much does the service cost

The Virtual Tours published on VTclick® are:


public and only for browsing VT (with advertising banners edited by VTclick®)


All the others!

Payments on VTclick® are made using the VTcoins system: VTcoins are taken from your “rechargeable purse”
dell’editore, based on the number of hotspots in the Virtual Tour you are publishing:

1 hotspot = 1 VTcoin

If you change a Virtual Tour you only pay for the new hotspots.

Paid Virtual Tours remain published for one year.
At the expiration date you can decide whether to renew the publication or not.

VTcoins have a unit cost of € 1,00 (excluding VAT),
but there is a discount based on the quantity purchased:

Discount applied Unit
VTcoin price
from 0 to 50 € 1,00
from 51 to 100 5% € 0,95
from 101 to 150 10% € 0,90
from 151 to 200 15% € 0,85
over 200 20% € 0,80

You can buy any quantity of VTcoins and the first ones 10 are free!

Do you need help?
Contact us to